Action Sport Physio - Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is a health care field that treats and prevents disorders in human movement caused by injury and disease. It helps the individuals who have problems affecting the musculo-skeletal system to find a functional level. Our physiotherapists use various techniques to treat you such as manual therapy, sport therapy and progress by exercises, the McKenzie approach, electrotherapy, an evaluation followed by a Cybex/Biodex isokinetic session, hydrotherapy (whirlpool bath), Muscle Activation Technique, etc. Our patients can expect to improve their balance, stamina, force and coordination, which will help them to remain active in their daily life.
Sarah Bérubé-Bouchard
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Physiothérapie - Shockwave

Radial shockwave are high-energy acoustic waves. They are transmitted through the surface of the skin and spread radially (spherically) into the body. The body responds with increased metabolic activity around the site of the pain. This stimulates and accelerates the healing process.
Vincent Laganière
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More than a period of relaxation, the massage therapy helps diminish physical problems caused by stress, back pain, loss of energy, insomnia, etc.
Guillaume Tremblay
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Osteopathy also known as osteopathic approach is a manual therapy discipline. Its main goal is to help restore the human body's natural equilibrium and harmony. Osteopathy is a discipline based on the anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of the human body. The patient is treated with a global approach, so rather than simply treating the symptom the body is treated as a whole entity. Patients of all ages can benefit from osteopathy
Thibault Arthur
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Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy is a type of therapy treated through activity. This service is offered to people for whom daily functions and activities are disrupted by an orthopedic injury or a physical disorder. Occupational therapists evaluates the physical limitations of the injury or disorder, as well as the psycho-social and environmental factors that may play in to the patients daily functioning. Their main objective is to help the patient reach a healthy, a satisfying and an independent lifestyle in their daily activities, as well as at work.
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Mélanie Parent
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