Massage Therapy

More than a moment of relaxation, massage therapy helps decrease physical discomfort caused by stress, daily activities, chronic pain and muscle overuse. Also, massage therapy helps maintain the suppleness and the flexibility of the fascias and muscles. Within this discipline, there are numerous technics that the therapist may use: Swedish, sports massage, deep tissue, lymphatic drainage, masso-kinésithérapie, pre- and post-natal, etc. Each have many positive effects on the body's structure and posture, the circulatory system, the nervous system, the lymphatic system, the muscular system, etc. Everyone can enjoy and take advantage of a massage!
Tahina Nicolas
Lydia Lafontaine
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Osteopathy is a manual therapy discipline. Its main goal is to help restore the human body's natural equilibrium and harmony. Osteopathy is a discipline based on the anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of the human body. The patient is treated with a global approach; therefore, rather than simply treating the symptom, the body is treated as a whole entity. Patients of all ages can benefit from osteopathy. The osteopath, with the use of different techniques, will treat the body on many different levels such as articular, visceral, cranial and fascial. This approach differentiates itself from others because it is aimed at discovering the cause of the problem rather than focusing on the symptoms. The key is to keep the different structures of the human body mobile. A loss in mobility causes functional, as well as circulatory and/or nervous limitations. This loss in mobility can cause repercussions locally and possibly distally by forcing the body to compensate in other areas in order to maintain its equilibrium.
Alessandra Gutta
Antonio Colasurdo
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Physiotherapy is a discipline in the health care field that intervenes in the evaluation, the rehabilitation and the maintenance of the physical function, health and well-being. The physiotherapists are specialized in restoring and maintaining mobility and maximal body functions, as well as relieving pain. They help individuals, who have problems with their musculoskeletal system, find a functional level. Our physiotherapists use various manual and therapeutic technics to treat their patients, to help them get back to their optimal physical state. The therapist's main objective is to return their patient to their daily activities. Patients can expect to improve their balance, their endurance, their strength and their coordination; all aspects that help improve and maintain a healthy daily lifestyle.
Roxane Lagarde
Anthony Teoli
Stefania Colaneri
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Through its holistic approach, acupuncture is interested in engaging and developing the person as a whole. It's the concept that a human being is multi-dimensional; taking into consideration the physical, the mental, the social and the emotional. Acupuncture goes beyond the symptoms of the disease; it studies the rest of the body. Acupuncture is a secure alternative medicine that uses needles in its treatments. It causes no side effects and does not present danger. It can also be complimented with another medicine. Acupuncture can have an impact on the following systems or conditions: the digestive system, the respiratory system, the lymphatic system, the urogenital system, the reproduction system, pregnancy and labour issues, the musculo-skeletal system, the auditory and ocular systems, the neurodegenerative system, insomnia, allergies, skin conditions, chronic pain management, substance abuse, and other conditions.
Laure-Anne Nadeau
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